Sooooo, we finally opened up Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric play, and it is just fabulous! :) It was my first official production as a Mask Designer (I've done a number of shows unofficially), and I really couldn't be more proud. I had a crazy wonderful team of mask makers, namely Jennifer Davis, Anna Kimmel, Souther Recio, Colleen McCool, Sydney Floyd, T'Cie Mancuso, and many others, to name a few, helping my visions come to life, and they totally killed it. We all came together as a single mask making machine, and the masks reaped the benefits. They are all made of paper mache, spackling compounds, a ton of sanding, gesso, and topped with some inks and acrylic paints. The show runs for another week, and we would love to see you at Mary Moody Northen Theatre!
Click on the image to look at the other images of the finished masks! :)